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Time change

Tonight we are changing time : at 2am it will be 3am. This means that the time difference between France and China will go from 7 hours to 6 hours :) ... good for the week ends hehehe Ju

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Thionville by night

Thionville by night

Feeling not very well tonight, I decided to have a walk in Thionville, the town where i lived almost all my life (from 3 to 18).Thionville is a very old city, known to be the palace of the Carolingien king Charlemagne (in the 8th century).The city center...

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The Great Region : Saar Lor Lux

The Great Region : Saar Lor Lux

Saar Lor Lux is a unique region in Europe. It gathered 4 regions in 4 countries : Saarland in Germany, Lorraine in France, Luxembourg and the Province of Luxembourg in Belgium. The history and culture of the Great Region are very rich. The landscapes...

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Try a luxurious car

Try a luxurious car

For me a car is more a good mean of transportation than a fashion object. I will never buy me such a car, because it's not very useful and because of the price of it : a car is absolutely not an investment (it looses almost half of its cost after a few...

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11am : Aujourd'hui c'est la chandeleur : la fête des crêpes et autres beignets hummmm !Ma mère est une experte en crêpes et elle m'a transmis ce (petit) savoir : depuis de nombreuses années je fais les crêpes pour mes amis, mes collègues ... :) Ce soir...

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L'hiver, enfin !

L'hiver arrive enfin ! Depuis Noël dernier, les températures fleuretaient avec les 20°C dans certaines régions de France ! De nouveaux records de châleur ont été battus, et ca empire d'années en années. Mais aujourd'hui, soudainement, subitement, l'hiver...

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Visite de Ségolène Royal en Chine

Ségolène Royal est en Chine depuis 3 jours maintenant. Il est très intéressant de voir quel est le discours d’une candidate à l’élection présidentielle française avec la Chine, pays qui va devenir dans les prochaines années la première puissance économique...

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French men's socks

French men's socks

French men's socks -- that's really what once surprised me :) French men (maybe not all), they can be in very formal and flashing suit while wearing a pair of very funny and cute socks. Once I was in a meeting (when i was in France), a guy in suit was...

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