Shanghai Black&White

Publié le par JuBy

I still follow my photography courses. Today I wanted to work on black& white pictures, thanks to professional softwares.

I have selected some pictures By or myself took in Shanghai last december to make them become beautiful black & white pictures. Here is the result (please don't hesitate tu put your comments) :

Respectively :
By on 外白渡桥 (WaiBaiDu Qiao),
WaiBaiDu bridge stepping across Suzhou Creek river,
the Bund,
street animation at 10:30pm on 31rst of december


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Hehehehe yeah the sofware is great ....but the pictures are still shooted by also great people :Dand to get those black and white effects, it's also a great job ;-)
I'm really impressed by the effect of this software!! these b&w pics are superb!