Chinese New Year : the year of the golden pig

Publié le par JuBy

The new chinese year that began a few days ago is supposed to be the year of the golden pig.
In Chinese beliefs, there are 12 animals combined with 5 elements (water, wood, metal, fire and  earth). There are thus 60 different combinations.
This year has been announced as the year of the golden pig : an excellent year for new born babies, as they should become rich without doing anything exceptional :)
Chinese authorities are expecting a high increase of natality this year ... chinese people being quite a lot superstitious :)

However, if they are a more numerous generation of babies born this year, they will be more numerous in classrooms, more numerous on the job market ... so nothing indicates that they will become richer than the others ;-)

Moreover, this increase in natality will provoke an human ressources problem this year, as more women will become pregnant and so will take their maternity leave.

Finally, many people think this rumour of being in the golden pig year has been launched by commercial compagnies to make more profit. Indeed, the last year of golden pig would have been in 1971 (but at that time it was forbidden by cultural revolution to believe in such things), and therefore the next year of golden pig should take place in 2031 ...

One thing is sure : this year is the year of the pig :)


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